Here are the steps to do the timeout settings.

Step 1:  Go to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\appeon\AEM, and add the following highlighted code into the web.config XML file. By default, the value of the Execution Timeout is 100 seconds, and the value of the Max Request Length is 4096K. You can use larger value for the Execution Timeout and the Max Request Length properties according to the specific needs.



<httpRuntime executionTimeout="3000" maxRequestLength = "102400" />



Step 2:  Go to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\appeon\AEM\config\, and change the value of webservice-requesttimeout in the server.config XML file(as shown below, the unit is millisecond, so the value 3000000 means 3000S). By default, the value of the Execution Timeout is 100 seconds. You can use larger value for the Execution Timeout according to the specific needs.


Step 3:  Restart the IIS server to make your changes take effect.

Please note that these two Timeout settings will affect the web service, so please make sure these values are suitable.